
Disclaimer: Information and thoughts appearing on this Blog, or accessible via Links, are shown in case they are of interest. No responsibility is accepted by the authors for their validity, or for how people may interpret or use any of it. Thank you.

Did Things Go Wrong?

Some strategies and techniques in psychotherapy, which began with good intentions, probably became degraded, misunderstood or mis-applied.  I wrote an essay about these ideas, which did not go down well with the class tutor, but it makes sense to me still with hindsight. It's largely a matter of viewpoint and circumstance. Some people did not realise there could be possible unintended consequences of using some frameworks or methods. Did other people foresee, or even engineer things, either for control or chaos. Or would that be paranoid thinking? All I seemed to hear from people seeking help were off-the-cuff comments that made me wonder about the ethics or wisdom of certain routes to development.

To some extent many of us change over the years, or quickly depending on people and events that affect us. Emotional contagion can happen, even if we don't know quite how it works. Sometimes it's as though the scales drop from our eyes (if we get enough breathing space), about someone we trusted. Not all 'contagion' has a contaminating effect, but rather is a beneficial influence.

Advertising works, otherwise why are big bucks spent on it? Why is there so much data-mining particularly of our spending habits and contacts? If you've spent time on social media, you've seen stuff about hacking, scams involving large amounts of money, perpetrated on people who normally are nobody's fool, and questions about what Facebook in particular has been up to. We carry around a gadget capable of far more than the early computers, and all this is pushed at us. Big data, fast data, more 'I can do this', until something goes wrong.

I have known people who don't seem to remember some things in their life, if they are simply not in the right frame of mind. Others switch from one complex task to another, as easily as dropping a hat. Me, not so much! I get tuned in to what I am doing, and stuff falls off the shelves that I can fit into things somewhere. So we are all different, some days more so than others.

What if someone can manipulate our parts, 'hack' us, or use us to fulfil some idea of their own?

Hand-in-hand with dissociation or personality parts was an inference that there must be underlying or unacknowledged abuse or trauma. All hell was being let loose, with a consequent backlash and denial that such things could have happened. Some people try to convince others that, if one case has doubt thrown at it, it means all similar allegations have no basis. Where is the logic? - It only needs one black swan to prove they are not always white.
Memories can become distorted in the normal way of things. If people are pressured to keep searching in a negative way, particularly in a regressed state of mind, the outcome is less likely to be a true record. People can genuinely benefit, but for others it could act as a placebo, believing that they now have an explanation. With encouragement from a friend who was a good hypnotherapist, I underwent a training course that seemed ethical till I knew more of how it could be used to keep making money or to prove a point. What point exactly? At least I learned something from the experience.

It does not have to be full-on hypnosis or planned scam to affect people. A persuasive person sticking to dogma can cause problems for those who are searching. We are more likely to be conned or drawn into a cult, when vulnerable or upset. This is not a manual on how to have an effect on people, but it can help to understand how maybe you got duped by someone getting under your natural protective system. Even if you know and trust someone, people change and one needs a rethink. People can inadvertently push each others' buttons, rekindling something upsetting.

At times during my involvement in some of the areas touched on here, I found myself wondering about people's schooldays, how they might have behaved in the playground: Because the dynamics seemed along the lines of friendship groups, how loyalties change, the difference between having a close friend on standby, or being able to muster support, and a stand-alone who can be scapegoated or whispered about. Let's just say, it made more sense than some of the ideology people claimed. You might think of examples from your observations or experience. Through my eyes, I can only say 'Be careful in whom you place your trust. You are not necessarily being paranoid if you sense more than one agenda present in some people.'

Note inserted June 2021
We've mentioned elsewhere in Blogs & on Twitter about motivation and therapists, and to be free to walk away from something that honestly does not feel in one's best interests. Therapy is naturally painful: It should not be harmful, or take people apart for the sake of it.

Elsewhere we've mentioned author Leo Lyon Zagami, and recently came across Vol. IV of Confessions of an Illuminati, American Renaissance 2.0 and the Missing Link from the Invisible World. You may have no interest in mind control experiments if those seem irrelevant in your life. He puts a lot into perspective.

Anyone interested in biological/technical methods of control, please go to revised Blog and scroll to Invasive Technology. Many individuals & authors to follow up, in the time of June 2021.

Do you think vaccines could change someone's personality or behaviour? Might people exaggerate anything that seems unusual, blaming it on vaccination? See new Blog at


Max Igan, TheCrowhouse

Nano-Sensor Modelling for Intra-Body Nano-Networks

Wireless Personal Communications Issue 4/2021
Mustafa Alper Akkaş

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This Blog is by way of continuing some themes from a collective Blog of 10 years ago, which is still up at

See Kontextuall playlist on YouTube of 4 short videos on Cults, Groups, Influence, Coercion, which apply to groups but also to coercive or influential behaviour in couples.

To load all this Blog onto one page, go to

For some authors/researchers on End Times, Conspiracies, Breakaway Civilisations, see post at - includes James & Lance Morcan, Eve Lorgen, Texe Marrs, Jim Keith, Mae Brussell, Adam Parfrey, Ivan Sanderson, Ingo Swann, John Keel, Nick Redfern, Mike Bara.

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