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Full Circle: Wrapping Things Up

When I was knee-high to a grasshopper,  I played with a young friend I'll call Val. Her father worked at the local college, and we had the run of the grounds and shrubberies. No Internet in those days, so we played fairies and witches all over the place. One day Val was being a nasty fairy or witch, and I shouted 'But good always wins'. I like to believe that, but have to admit many bad things happen to people who are described as lighting up a room. I am no roomlighter, but sometimes when I get drawn into something, stuff seems to change. It is not always an easy ride.

I watch or read things that either bore or scare people to death. Have you read about the djinn? Maybe it is something like those, or demons by any other name. If you think strange things can happen, or that one or more of them might contribute to weird behaviour or events, perhaps that is the kind of ballpark. When I write on subjects that are even less outrageous than this, readers vanish. A few are watching this Blog already although it is new. Happened to me before and all kinds of hassle started. Something is jollying this along anyway, so we shall see. Use what you can from here or anywhere, reject anything, and make up your own mind.
There is speculation on conspiracy sites about a tie-in between UFO's, demons, djinn, black magic, and maybe ritual abuse. Who knows? My current thinking is that it might explain a lot about strange and inhuman behaviours, including the kind of things some people claim happen in rituals in darkened woods or under ground. Something at back of these rituals could explain why people who abuse children in rituals or in children's homes, can seem to 'take it or leave it'. The addiction does not take over every aspect of their lives all of the time, which is why it could be your friends or neighbours. You'd never know about it. Do they necessarily? It could be that they enter, or are placed in, an altered state of consciousness.

People may have had to agree to some kind of a deal. It is likely that not all are involved in any or all cult activities, but fulfil a role like passing on information on a cult member's whereabouts, in return for getting some bills paid, or their children's schooling. It could be anything.

Over to anyone who can shed light on some of this darkness.

This Blog was never intended to be anecdotal, and I had no idea where it would go. Often it is small things from conversations on a bus or standing in a queue that link things, or a TV programme happened across. Things are meaningful in different ways, so with the Internet people can find out things to suit them. I took a Psychology degree hoping to find out 'why people do what they do'. Travelling to London, I was in bookshops getting all manner of relevant and irrelevant material. Later, a colleague emphasised that the unconscious drives behaviour. I am now adding in emotions. Skipping many years, I had to wind up what looked like a simple estate but it was not. The solicitor was brilliant with complex stuff, but if I wanted something done for myself, I would do it or get other help. With trepidation I walked down to finalise things with him. Somehow we got chatting about psychism, intuition, chance, psychic detectives, conspiracies, and I emerged over an hour later. We had read the same stuff, much of which I'd sold off and later gone back to. Many of the original theorists got discounted for a while, but are now going strong and much ties in with other findings. Recently I came across 'Ancient Aliens' on TV, watching with half-attention. But then it got into how various cult leaders based their activities on ideas of influence from other beings or realms. Whether or not that could have happened, a lot of people became influenced one way or another.

When it comes to certain crimes, or what most people regard as cruel or senseless behaviour, it can be much the same: acting on a belief or fantasy, or maybe actual experience. A theory I feel worth looking into refers to our endocrine system, which some esoteric writers link to chakras. If it is somehow possible to activate a part of someone's system, or deactivate rational thinking, one can indeed induce very base behaviour. It happens in groups and crowds. Of interest to me, is when an individual, couple or small group, get started on a course of action that seems to take on a life and impetus of its own. Nothing stops the escalation, and only some participants may ever realise what they took part in.

As part of my aim to find out more 'why people do what they do', and with gaps in what sank in during study, I tried some Philosophy classes. That might seem close to Psychology but not at all easy to grasp. A course on emotions was fascinating though I hardly touched the books. One evening the lecturer slipped in that emotions are not entities. Well maybe they aren't, but what if they can sometimes be something like that? Or is that just woolly thinking? Even staid psychic researchers acknowledge that pent-up emotions can produce strange and powerful effects in the real world.

Also relevant is the concept of a group-mind, which some people link to the idea of an egregore. A kind of reality or consensus builds up and, even though other members are not present, people may act in accordance with that reality or belief system. It ties in with what happens in cults, workplaces and so on. Some cultures place importance on family and ancestors, and believe that current family members may be strongly influenced by traumas or actions of predecessors, or can be possessed by them, or by other forces. There is also a term 'overshadowing', where one seems to write or do something from out of nowhere, as if influenced by something 'other'. And many people have experienced a kind of telepathy with a person they are close to, simply knowing when something is wrong in their life.

You may or may not believe in Souls, but it is of vital importance to protect your boundaries, and not get caught up in what others are up to, who may have a trick up their sleeve and know how to manipulate others, for good or ill. Some sensitivities or traits do seem to be hereditary, and we can only do our best to make sense of them. If you have had a family member who suddenly behaves differently, or can no longer manage certain tasks, it can seem as though they somehow use your circuits for getting by. Similarly, you may share office space with someone who, through no fault of their own, has mood swings or is just not functioning well. Try to get some time and space for yourself. Some people may have insight into what is wrong with them, and others not.

Also relevant: Do People Have Souls?

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Putting random thoughts on paper, I realise how well they come Full Circle: Cults and families can have bullying and controlling aspects, as well as subtle, more seductive modes, effective when harsher ones don't hack it. Manipulation will likely step up a notch when you start seeing the mechanics, but that is just a first step to your resisting. If you can, enlist the help of another person to back you up from the sidelines.
Click on the featured post below for 'On Protection' and 'Assault on the Mind'.

Click to view the sister Blog on Groups, Minds & Beliefs which continues some of these themes, and contains lists of authors on End Times research, and Exopolitics, see 

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