
Disclaimer: Information and thoughts appearing on this Blog, or accessible via Links, are shown in case they are of interest. No responsibility is accepted by the authors for their validity, or for how people may interpret or use any of it. Thank you.

Assault on the Mind

About ten years ago, a stalking case raised the issue of GBH or Actual Bodily assault to the mind, a kind of psychiatric injury or trauma. I remember having high hopes we'd be able to use it in cases of cult trauma or influence. Someone who was deeply harassed by a powerful cult member, asked if it is possible to suffer PTSD due a person. I believe so in principle, though am sure other people would draw technical distinctions of definition.

Any ideas? - apart from the effect bad bosses have on their staff?

Or nosy neighbours? 

Know your own limits. A recent episode of Perry Mason showed him saying 'I've just been taken for a prize booby', so it happens to us all once in a while.

In the past, I had stalking attention in a workplace setting on late shifts, though am no spring chicken and don't dress up. People didn't believe me, till one day the boss said 'That guy only comes in when you're here on your own.' I said 'Yes, and could I have a lock on my door, and a chain on that one.' The same man appeared at a subsequent crazy late-hour stint of employment. Any attempt to brush a stalker off or to show annoyance, simply registers as interaction, so watch yourself and don't talk to them. Stalking is a way of controlling aspects of their target's life, a kind of cuckooing, with far-reaching effects.

Invasive Technology

Anyone interested in biological/technical methods of control, please go to revised Blog and scroll to Invasive Technology.

Most pages have a selection of relevant books that you may not have come across, including on coronavirus, End Times, mind control - what we're calling Mindcluk, cuckooing of the mind.

Cuckooing of the Mind 

There are various methods of trying to take control over someone, starting with gaining trust or sympathy. We may do some of this in the normal way of things, perhaps trading one thing for another in a relationship. Done with skill and intent, it becomes immoral and dishonest: misrepresentation - i.e. a veritable scam, or fraud. Starting from small beginnings, it can overtake the mark's life, or soul. Another way of viewing The Mark of the Beast? Is this how Cults work?

Tell someone else if you find yourself in an awkward situation; and get some support. Some things may die down over time. Some do not. Don't see anyone manipulative alone. They appear to have no concept of boundaries, but they know exactly how to crash them! You could get someone to wait outside for you, so you can see them or their car. I have a dislike of psychological labels, so have been rather longwinded - You can take a shortcut and search for female narcissism. Not all of it will fit, but you'll see none of it is basically your fault. Also see the work of Joe Navarro on 'Dangerous Personalities'.

There are indications that emotional suffering such as from bullying, ostracism, shunning, rejection, or breakup of a love affair, can cause people to feel as they would with physical pain. The physiological indications are very similar. See the work of Professor Kipling Williams.

Shunning is used in cults to keep people in line. It causes a great deal of pain, splitting up families and isolating people. Scientology calls their version of showing disapproval and causing punishment 'Fair Game', words which have become common in describing vengeance. Is it a fair route to follow? Is it worth it?

Tabs at the top link to information on some subjects touched on in this Blog, and to Tim Field's bullying site Bully Online, which includes in the Workplace.

Read 'On Protection' below.

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This Site continues some themes from a collective Blog of 10 years ago, which is still up at  

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Link to Cultures or Cults: Do They Hypnotise Us? 

For more on Souls, crime, groups, heredity, skip to
Full Circle: Wrapping Things Up

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