
Disclaimer: Information and thoughts appearing on this Blog, or accessible via Links, are shown in case they are of interest. No responsibility is accepted by the authors for their validity, or for how people may interpret or use any of it. Thank you.

Did Things Go Wrong?

Some strategies and techniques in psychotherapy, which began with good intentions, probably became degraded, misunderstood or mis-applied.  I wrote an essay about these ideas, which did not go down well with the class tutor, but it makes sense to me still with hindsight. It's largely a matter of viewpoint and circumstance. Some people did not realise there could be possible unintended consequences of using some frameworks or methods. Did other people foresee, or even engineer things, either for control or chaos. Or would that be paranoid thinking? All I seemed to hear from people seeking help were off-the-cuff comments that made me wonder about the ethics or wisdom of certain routes to development.

To some extent many of us change over the years, or quickly depending on people and events that affect us. Emotional contagion can happen, even if we don't know quite how it works. Sometimes it's as though the scales drop from our eyes (if we get enough breathing space), about someone we trusted. Not all 'contagion' has a contaminating effect, but rather is a beneficial influence.

Advertising works, otherwise why are big bucks spent on it? Why is there so much data-mining particularly of our spending habits and contacts? If you've spent time on social media, you've seen stuff about hacking, scams involving large amounts of money, perpetrated on people who normally are nobody's fool, and questions about what Facebook in particular has been up to. We carry around a gadget capable of far more than the early computers, and all this is pushed at us. Big data, fast data, more 'I can do this', until something goes wrong.

I have known people who don't seem to remember some things in their life, if they are simply not in the right frame of mind. Others switch from one complex task to another, as easily as dropping a hat. Me, not so much! I get tuned in to what I am doing, and stuff falls off the shelves that I can fit into things somewhere. So we are all different, some days more so than others.

What if someone can manipulate our parts, 'hack' us, or use us to fulfil some idea of their own?

Hand-in-hand with dissociation or personality parts was an inference that there must be underlying or unacknowledged abuse or trauma. All hell was being let loose, with a consequent backlash and denial that such things could have happened. Some people try to convince others that, if one case has doubt thrown at it, it means all similar allegations have no basis. Where is the logic? - It only needs one black swan to prove they are not always white.
Memories can become distorted in the normal way of things. If people are pressured to keep searching in a negative way, particularly in a regressed state of mind, the outcome is less likely to be a true record. People can genuinely benefit, but for others it could act as a placebo, believing that they now have an explanation. With encouragement from a friend who was a good hypnotherapist, I underwent a training course that seemed ethical till I knew more of how it could be used to keep making money or to prove a point. What point exactly? At least I learned something from the experience.

It does not have to be full-on hypnosis or planned scam to affect people. A persuasive person sticking to dogma can cause problems for those who are searching. We are more likely to be conned or drawn into a cult, when vulnerable or upset. This is not a manual on how to have an effect on people, but it can help to understand how maybe you got duped by someone getting under your natural protective system. Even if you know and trust someone, people change and one needs a rethink. People can inadvertently push each others' buttons, rekindling something upsetting.

At times during my involvement in some of the areas touched on here, I found myself wondering about people's schooldays, how they might have behaved in the playground: Because the dynamics seemed along the lines of friendship groups, how loyalties change, the difference between having a close friend on standby, or being able to muster support, and a stand-alone who can be scapegoated or whispered about. Let's just say, it made more sense than some of the ideology people claimed. You might think of examples from your observations or experience. Through my eyes, I can only say 'Be careful in whom you place your trust. You are not necessarily being paranoid if you sense more than one agenda present in some people.'

Note inserted June 2021
We've mentioned elsewhere in Blogs & on Twitter about motivation and therapists, and to be free to walk away from something that honestly does not feel in one's best interests. Therapy is naturally painful: It should not be harmful, or take people apart for the sake of it.

Elsewhere we've mentioned author Leo Lyon Zagami, and recently came across Vol. IV of Confessions of an Illuminati, American Renaissance 2.0 and the Missing Link from the Invisible World. You may have no interest in mind control experiments if those seem irrelevant in your life. He puts a lot into perspective.

Anyone interested in biological/technical methods of control, please go to revised Blog and scroll to Invasive Technology. Many individuals & authors to follow up, in the time of June 2021.

Do you think vaccines could change someone's personality or behaviour? Might people exaggerate anything that seems unusual, blaming it on vaccination? See new Blog at


Max Igan, TheCrowhouse

Nano-Sensor Modelling for Intra-Body Nano-Networks

Wireless Personal Communications Issue 4/2021
Mustafa Alper Akkaş

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This Blog is by way of continuing some themes from a collective Blog of 10 years ago, which is still up at

See Kontextuall playlist on YouTube of 4 short videos on Cults, Groups, Influence, Coercion, which apply to groups but also to coercive or influential behaviour in couples.

To load all this Blog onto one page, go to

For some authors/researchers on End Times, Conspiracies, Breakaway Civilisations, see post at - includes James & Lance Morcan, Eve Lorgen, Texe Marrs, Jim Keith, Mae Brussell, Adam Parfrey, Ivan Sanderson, Ingo Swann, John Keel, Nick Redfern, Mike Bara.

What is Character?


Current Blogs are now summarised at

This Blog continues from Toukanalia, Out-of-Character Behaviour but threads through to other areas may be relevant. Comments will not be published without permission. As text is added, sometimes a couple of posts drop off the page but do not appear on the next, and not all the labels are working.

A sequel has been made at with some links back to here.

This and other Blogs are being updated by Jim Strange, see

'To thine own self be true' - Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'

We think we know something about ourselves, our likes and dislikes, and about people we live, work and mix with. How often are we surprised when someone does something totally unexpected? Over time, we come to expect certain sorts of comment or reaction. On the Internet we gain an impression of those we engage with. Sometimes we mesh with others, things work pretty well. Other times they are discordant. How often does a row blow up over nothing, just when things seemed to be going along fine? If we take time to work out some of what went wrong, we may get better at it.

Some people have a knack of sensing things about others, whether there are hidden depths or deviousness, or a vague feeling of unease if something doesn't sit right. Some people know instinctively how to gain co-operation from others, or they can smooth family arguments. People take different roles in groups or various settings. We can try out different roles, or get forced into them by circumstance. How do we really know what we, or others, may be capable of? A number of writers suggest we are all capable even of murder. Is the attraction of characters like James Bond, or The Mentalist, that they break out of traditional modes, blatantly ignoring what's expected of them in multiple dire circumstances?

When Transactional Analysis ('Games People Play' by Eric Berne) came on the scene, along with other strategies for describing personality and behaviour, people became familiar with the concept of 'ego states', and more ways of interacting. Psychosynthesis encouraged us to think of having about six subpersonalities, and there was something called Parts Therapy. If we focussed on aspects of character or personality, played around with moods or modes, there could be a shot at other ways of handling things, greater insight, and hopefully integration.

What could possibly go wrong?

One of my concerns about all this so-called 'therapy' is that it can grow into a culture where someone is always there to imply we really ought to change, that you or I or anyone are not adequate as we are, have not enough self-worth etc. Is that not a sufficiently un-self-fulfilling prophecy to dump on others!

When it comes to parts of personality, sure it can be a useful discussion point, but then to move on, not make it a requirement. I read something about denied parts of personality taking on a life of their own, as in the term 'dissociated complex'. Yes, and what if other people give them validity, a unique name, or actually help them to strengthen and expand?
If you've come across catastrophe theory in maths, it is a useful way of looking at a switchback effect in behaviour where, instead of a mood or setting continuing along a smooth path or continuum, it suddenly folds and does the opposite. People who write about dissociation or dissociative identity, use the term discontinuity. While acknowledging that it sometimes happens, do we wish to reinforce it? In the United States, funding was given for treatment of dissociation, which was now a bandwagon. Things became a mess when the tide turned, beliefs changed, and people were suing this way or that. The UK followed ten years later, though it tends to be less extreme and more insular, with not nearly as many people involved, or so much money.

A number of issues have a mention here. It has not been possible to give in-depth analysis of pro's & cons, but the Blog acts as a lead-in to some areas that may be new to readers, or as to the general context in which they appear. See what you think and take it from there.

A temporary lock was just placed on my Twitter account for the very first time. I had to delete the following:

Could a #vaccine #combine with #5G? Or xyz? Do your own #research. "#Nerve #cell #proteins, #activated by heat + mechanical pressure can be #genetically #engineered to be sensitive to #radio #waves + #magnetic #fields by attaching to an #iron-storing #protein called #ferritin."

Search for 'ferritin' information going back to before the current vaccination situation. It may not have relevance, but can we not raise questions about any of this? As a delivery driver commented to me in a random conversation, 'This isn't over yet. We all have to look after ourselves.'

Is stalking a kind of scam, a cuckooing of one's life? Do Cults work by cuckooing the mind, the soul? Watch where you place your trust! Update at Groups, Minds & BeliefsProtection & Boundaries

To see the rest of this Blog, go to

What About Forensic Psychology?

When someone commits a crime, people often wonder about the reasons. Do those who commit crimes never think of implications for others, they simply don't care, or they get a huge buzz from it? As they embroil themselves or others in covering up their actions, does it not occur to them they'll get caught? There are all sorts of theories, from behavioural or social, to deep psychological. We like to make sense of things somewhere, and often what we think is a 'clue' to the puzzle eventually surfaces. We feel things making sense like in a good book or TV show.

And when someone commits a shocking crime, getting away with it for years, it really can seem genuine when they finally admit how badly they feel. With others, it looks like they'd do the same again with less than half-a-chance. I never cease to be surprised when someone murders his wife, and is found years later, seemingly living a normal married life. What that is like for the current wife must be horrendous. Some of these men split their family into supporters and detractors, and manage the same with the legal process, dragging things on with denials, appeals and retrials. They are very persuasive! I sound as if it is mainly men who default, but there are cases of women who get away with deception and murder on a serial scale.

Do they separate parts of themselves off? Can anyone do it? Can someone do it to others?

Some criminals have used a defence that it was another part of themselves committing a crime: 'It was the other Brian', or maybe 'Little Brian'. They may genuinely feel someone or something else made them do it, something just came over them, or they do not remember. In some courts in the United States, films are allowed to be shown which seem to suggest that someone is acting in different modes or personalities. And a significant proportion of offenders and prison inmates have, at some stage in their lives, suffered injury to the brain.

For more on Souls, crime, groups, heredity, skip to
Full Circle: Wrapping Things Up

See top tabs 'Be Your Own Expert' for these videos

I cannot deny the validity of these findings. However, it would mean that virtually anyone may be able to disclaim responsibility when their behaviour comes under scrutiny. What I feel may happen in some 'ritual abuse' scenarios is that well-meaning therapists have at times been too lenient, wore the wrong spectacles, or tended to believe in rather too much. When someone describes horrendous events, the natural reaction is to feel sympathy and horror. But there may be other reasons for someone describing things and being certain of their reality, for them. Like other scenarios, once someone has gone public with an account or a theory, it is not easy to think 'Hang on, I'm not so sure in this instance.' Am I saying there is no such thing as ritual abuse?  I am not. People have different experiences and challenges to face, and it is what they do about them that matters. Some people are able to realise what they have done, or what has been done to them, and to help others understand. Others deny not only their part, but also what others have been through. Whether people follow this or that path or way for themselves, it should at least be their own choice.

Dr Paul Simpson founded Project Middle Ground in Arizona, after firstly encouraging clients to talk in terms of child abuse using a method of regression, then realising that many of the apparent recollections were more likely a side-effect of the type of therapeutic approach. His book entitled 'Second Thoughts' is still available and explains more fully.

When I realised how techniques like guided imagery, subpersonalities, facilitated communication, hypnosis and general frameworks of therapeutic or other belief, were likely to be influential in some outcomes, I rethought a lot of my own assumptions.

For more books on Memory visit Middle Ground at

To load all of this Blog onto one page, go to

What About Forensic Astrology?

Doubled Standards

Also see Are We All a Bit Psychic? in the update to this current Blog at

I don't claim to understand, but could there be anything to it? If there were a way to eliminate or reduce the subjective element? I won't list books but you can have a look. I heard a talk on Horary Astrology. The speaker was clever, intuitive, sincere and interesting. Some people suggest that a good astrologer combines charts and theory with intuition. Perhaps they could just as well use something else as a starting point or adjunct.

One practitioner draws a Horary chart for every half-hour around a critical crime scene, and the way she describes events is almost like stills of a film. Subjective maybe, curious yes. Another looked at Moon nodes in charts, and saw that opposite node positions of perpetrator and victim clashed at the critical time. With hindsight, and curious. And some writers suggest fixed stars indicate more in the field of crime when added to a chart. Something that seems worth looking into is when a sadistic couple, for instance, get involved with each other and go on to commit atrocities. Almost like fate, but could one party withdraw?

Some psychics looking at murders say: 'There is no energy of that person with this one', implying a suspect had no involvement in that crime. Apparently astrological charts can bear this out, so might it be useful from that standpoint? We need to bear in mind that, as the saying goes about a little knowledge being a dangerous thing, we don't have enough relevant facts, there can be blips, bias, and so on. To build up knowledge, even with hindsight and adding in further developments sounds worthwhile.

If the stars in their courses are involved in our lives, could that be affecting how we feel, where we go and what we do, and how people come together at a particular time? I don't believe in trying to predict or influence, because mostly in life we have to make decisions based on what is available, and to do things whatever the day and whether we feel like it. Ever sat an exam or a driving test, or had to go to court? I have had clusters of occurrence that changed the course of the future big-time, seemingly by chance or coincidence, but running through to other sections over time. A chart done for me by an intuitive friend many years ago, caused her to say more than once 'Be very careful what you write. I have never had anything so strongly.' Moment of truth, years down the line...
Someone spends a lot of time and effort, firstly in learning a skill like astrology, and then on working with a chart, so acknowledgement is due to them, but no-one should take undue financial advantage of those coming to them for guidance, or give categoric advice that could cause harm or take them off course. Some people who use intuition in their work find they lose their skill if they do start charging a fee.

If readers are sceptical about astrology and psychism, it's easy to be dismissive. I recently had a sort-out and found some charts. Some did pick out an interesting factor mixed in with much that was way off. All missed a crucial event. The friend who did my main chart mentioned a couple of areas that could be problematic, which turned out valid. A psychic lady went straight to an issue that others missed or misconstrued. I told people nothing. One man decreed I'd clearly messed up my whole life by not doing something. I believe there are generally other factors and avenues for people later. I was fortunate to meet a wide range of people, and my husband encouraged me to do what interested me, even though he might have concerns. Do I now think people should prey on others who want to know what's happening? You get one guess. Why was I involved with psychics? It largely was happening around me, but there was also seeking answers when vulnerable, as happens to a lot of people, and often a factor in being more susceptible to influence from cults, scams, etc.

For more on Souls, crime, groups, heredity, skip to
Full Circle: Wrapping Things Up

I also worked in places where things were weird or manipulative. I mentioned a destructive situation to my father, who said 'When there's a bad spirit in a place, it's very hard to know what to do.' I think he meant it in the sense of a dynamic or a split. Exploitation does not always have a financial element, but is more a sense of influence or power, or seeing if they can get away with it. I never get involved in the game-playing of others, which has been both a protection, or occasionally red rag to a bull. Here's a couple of books to have fun with:

'Astrological Games People Play' by Bernie Ashman

'Astrology & the Games People Play' by Spencer Grendahl

Go to Cultures or Cults - Do They Hypnotise Us? 

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Cultures or Cults - Do They Hypnotise Us?

Well, maybe not us, but might it happen to others? Perhaps we have a concept of a crime family, a Mafia, where members act like a well coordinated group with a strong hierarchy or boss-man or woman. To me, cults are similar to scams: people come under a kind of spell or regime that inhibits ordinary individualistic thinking. You'll have your own ways of looking at things. And that is how it should be.

Can People be Hypnotised to do Things Against Their Will, or to Forget What They've Done?

Yes, although views and circumstances vary. Sometimes the barriers break through, and there is seepage from one mode of functioning to another.

What About Dissociation, Multiple Personalities or MPD?

Again, views vary widely. If you look through the original Toukanalia Blog, you'll find more. In a nutshell, some people engage in cult-life without having any awareness of it in normal waking and working life. Somewhere I have a book about a family that operated in this fashion, as well as running a business. I ended up feeling sorry for the man running the show when things unravelled, because he was upset and did not seem to realise the full import, or what he had been instrumental in, almost as though things simply happened around him. If he had entered a 'cult' persona, or was in an altered state of consciousness, that could go towards explaining some of it. Stage hypnotists can get people to do weird things, and not all subjects are playing along with what is expected - or pleased with the results!

In one area we lived, we got to know a teacher who mentioned being puzzled by a few students who occasionally seemed to use quite ordinary words as if they had a different meaning for them or others 'in-the-know'. That may be cultural and make no sense to people not born in the area, or have meaning in family traditions. You could liken it to an 'in-joke' that excludes others when you start a new job. But it sounded unusual, and only happened sometimes related to time & place or some internal space. My great-aunts would whisper things they didn't think were suitable for children's ears. When my mother revealed something she had heard via the whispering-aunts, I could see how far-reaching and powerful 'Secrets in the Family' can be, see the book by Lily Pincus & Christopher Dare. They found that a disturbing family occurrence that was never mentioned, significantly affected family functioning and some members, for a lifetime or maybe until aired.

Some people I've come across in my meanderings have been deeply dissociative with infrequent glimpses into other part/s of their life. Then they'd forget it all, losing large chunks of personality. I engaged with a strong, well-respected person who managed a variety of activities in the community. She really knew how to manipulate. My tendency is to seem compliant and non-assertive, but I am known for being stubborn. She admitted to me that I made her efforts with her protegee a lot harder: I guess that's all I could do in the circumstances.

Basically, she completely overrode the personality of a highly intelligent capable woman, manipulating the alter parts of her personality & her life. She seemed addicted to the activities, and I could not understand how she disciplined herself during periods of downtime. Is there something or someone else orchestrating this?

Transient Personalities/ Alters

For Videos on the possibility of some people behaving very differently from their usual way of life see

Keep reading... at Full Circle

Allied fields are Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion. Check out the work of Tanya Luhrmann, author of 'When God Talks Back'. Jimmy Lee Shreeve wrote 'Blood Rites' and 'Sacrifice'. In the former the last chapter summarises some split-brain research, including the work of Julian Jaynes on the Bicameral Mind. Also see books by Stan Gooch.

Dr William Sargant wrote several books on other cultures and beliefs, including the dangers of attending rituals where emotions or senses are heightened to the point where people may be converted to a very different belief. He in fact stayed away from those! What we may regard as primitive tribal dances, according to some researchers, are actually effective methods of communicating with other Beings. However we tend to explain things for ourselves, some practices are found across the World, and through centuries. You may come across the idea of portals, which can be places or circumstances when other realities are seen or heard, or perhaps it happens during a period of fever, illness or danger. I have mixed with people with many beliefs and personal experiences, generally without it causing concern. I have become cautious over time about getting too close to people with a bee-in-the-bonnet - over anything, or what seems an imbalance regarding people other than themselves. See On Protection post at, and maintain some boundaries for yourself.

If you think people cannot be hypnotised unless they are in full agreement or in an appropriate setting, this may help: A colleague who was a hypnotherapist told me of a meeting where an experienced practitioner gave a talk, and by the end almost all the audience were zonked out  including other practitioners. This colleague used to be active in political circles, and I watched him subtly and slowly turn a room around from claiming there was no way they would agree to something. By the end of the meeting, he had set things in motion, though for the first half you'd never have known he was doing that - and I was watching for it.

If you look at the Egregores book at No.11 below and go to the end, there are three accounts of people with different experiences of joining a group, sometimes with far-reaching consequences for themselves or right across the board, acting almost like a curse. So please people, be careful what you get involved in. A man we knew who had an analytical mind and job, said he would go to an introductory talk run by Scientology and let us know what it was like. We warned him to be careful, but had no great concerns. Next time we saw him he was at the blackboard virtually repeating what he 'learned' or now 'knew', and not listening to anyone else's comments. Another time a couple of us went to an introductory meeting of a group at a hotel in Birmingham. The first half cost a few pounds, and we were then told if we wanted to hear the second part it was a big dollop more, the idea being to get people on the road to enrolling on a course. I had to catch a train back, and anyway don't like these ploys. My friend seemed hooked, and again had always analysed things out, and had training in another discipline. The female speaker was both didactic and charming, and had us repeating a mantra to visualisation. One intrepid man asked bluntly 'Is there verification for any of this, because you are giving it all out as factual?' Good question, which got nowhere as others resented the intrusion, and it certainly was not discussion time. Soon afterwards the organisation changed its name. You do need to be careful that there is not a very different agenda from stated, or that a group or enterprise does not simply change until unrecognisable. Groups can be hijacked as well as individuals, and there are people with precisely that intention and skills

It is not just groups that can sway people into different behaviours or thinking, and some experiences of different activities or pastimes are clearly beneficial. Recent media focus has been on stalking, abusive relationships and coercion or control, so if you are concerned about your physical or emotional safety, there is information available, a common language, and help available. The most difficult part is realising in the first instance that there's something amiss or unreasonable in the behaviour of a person one is involved with. Even so, that person can be very persuasive, or impose further restrictions so that it's hard to get away without back-up or support.

Some recent Tweets

For BookList see links across the top of this page.

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For Secret Societies and Where Do Aliens Come Into It? see the posts at

For an introductory list of some authors/researchers on End Times and breakaway civilisations go to 

And if you're not phased out by Exopolitics, see the end post at