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What About Forensic Astrology?

Doubled Standards

Also see Are We All a Bit Psychic? in the update to this current Blog at

I don't claim to understand, but could there be anything to it? If there were a way to eliminate or reduce the subjective element? I won't list books but you can have a look. I heard a talk on Horary Astrology. The speaker was clever, intuitive, sincere and interesting. Some people suggest that a good astrologer combines charts and theory with intuition. Perhaps they could just as well use something else as a starting point or adjunct.

One practitioner draws a Horary chart for every half-hour around a critical crime scene, and the way she describes events is almost like stills of a film. Subjective maybe, curious yes. Another looked at Moon nodes in charts, and saw that opposite node positions of perpetrator and victim clashed at the critical time. With hindsight, and curious. And some writers suggest fixed stars indicate more in the field of crime when added to a chart. Something that seems worth looking into is when a sadistic couple, for instance, get involved with each other and go on to commit atrocities. Almost like fate, but could one party withdraw?

Some psychics looking at murders say: 'There is no energy of that person with this one', implying a suspect had no involvement in that crime. Apparently astrological charts can bear this out, so might it be useful from that standpoint? We need to bear in mind that, as the saying goes about a little knowledge being a dangerous thing, we don't have enough relevant facts, there can be blips, bias, and so on. To build up knowledge, even with hindsight and adding in further developments sounds worthwhile.

If the stars in their courses are involved in our lives, could that be affecting how we feel, where we go and what we do, and how people come together at a particular time? I don't believe in trying to predict or influence, because mostly in life we have to make decisions based on what is available, and to do things whatever the day and whether we feel like it. Ever sat an exam or a driving test, or had to go to court? I have had clusters of occurrence that changed the course of the future big-time, seemingly by chance or coincidence, but running through to other sections over time. A chart done for me by an intuitive friend many years ago, caused her to say more than once 'Be very careful what you write. I have never had anything so strongly.' Moment of truth, years down the line...
Someone spends a lot of time and effort, firstly in learning a skill like astrology, and then on working with a chart, so acknowledgement is due to them, but no-one should take undue financial advantage of those coming to them for guidance, or give categoric advice that could cause harm or take them off course. Some people who use intuition in their work find they lose their skill if they do start charging a fee.

If readers are sceptical about astrology and psychism, it's easy to be dismissive. I recently had a sort-out and found some charts. Some did pick out an interesting factor mixed in with much that was way off. All missed a crucial event. The friend who did my main chart mentioned a couple of areas that could be problematic, which turned out valid. A psychic lady went straight to an issue that others missed or misconstrued. I told people nothing. One man decreed I'd clearly messed up my whole life by not doing something. I believe there are generally other factors and avenues for people later. I was fortunate to meet a wide range of people, and my husband encouraged me to do what interested me, even though he might have concerns. Do I now think people should prey on others who want to know what's happening? You get one guess. Why was I involved with psychics? It largely was happening around me, but there was also seeking answers when vulnerable, as happens to a lot of people, and often a factor in being more susceptible to influence from cults, scams, etc.

For more on Souls, crime, groups, heredity, skip to
Full Circle: Wrapping Things Up

I also worked in places where things were weird or manipulative. I mentioned a destructive situation to my father, who said 'When there's a bad spirit in a place, it's very hard to know what to do.' I think he meant it in the sense of a dynamic or a split. Exploitation does not always have a financial element, but is more a sense of influence or power, or seeing if they can get away with it. I never get involved in the game-playing of others, which has been both a protection, or occasionally red rag to a bull. Here's a couple of books to have fun with:

'Astrological Games People Play' by Bernie Ashman

'Astrology & the Games People Play' by Spencer Grendahl

Go to Cultures or Cults - Do They Hypnotise Us? 

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